Attending School During COVID-19 Reflection
Thursday, November 26, 2020
By: Jeffery Aguilar Noel Aguilar reflects on attending school during COVID-19
By: Jeffery Aguilar Noel Aguilar reflects on attending school during COVID-19
By: Sarah Madanat Photo Credit: Photo by Keren Levand on Unsplash Skimming through news articles and media content of globally recognized organizations, newspapers and media outlets, inequality women face…
By Jonathan Nunez ARLINGTON, VA.- Members of the Arlington School Board heard how swimming pool fees would affect the proposed fiscal 2021 budget in an April 21 meeting,…
By Rebecca Gygax Photo Credit: Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) “is a respiratory illness that can spread from person…
By Sarah Madanat Photo Credit: Image created by Redgirl Lee. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives Journalists’ jobs are becoming increasingly difficult and come with an…
By Jonathan Nunez Salgado Photo by: Dhammika Heenpella / CWSSIP Images of Sri Lanka is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 ARLINGTON, VA- The closing of university campuses across the…
By: Khadija Ali Photos: Becky Lake The Arlington Community announced their renovation in 2015 with a large project investment in renovating Ballston Mall into the new and improved…
By: Vida Hashemi-Nejad Photos: Pixabay This small device can be seen all over college campuses across the country. Many students who never even possessed a previous smoking history…
By: Ivette Ruiz Photos: Ivette Ruiz For many survivors of sexual assault, the Kavanaugh hearing was the day they decided to go against the stigma and became heroes…
By: Rebecca Lake Photos: Hannah Ratcliff The 1 Journey Festival was held June 2nd at the Washington Cathedral. Many people gathered to listen to refugee stories, see performances from…