Staying safe during the holidays

By: Kimbily Warner Photos: Marymount University Flickr

With the holiday season fast approaching, things can get a little crazy. People are rushing to get home or starting their Christmas shopping early. It is a very hectic season,  but there are a few tips to make sure that it is great and safe.
1.) Watch out for distracted drivers and pedestrians.

Watch out for distracted drivers in parking lots and small children because the parking lots are usually busy during the holidays. Make sure to avoid distractions while driving such as texting or fiddling with the car radio. Nothing is worth taking your eyes off the road.

2.) Make sure to always wear a seatbelt and make sure that any passengers in the car are also wearing their seatbelts.

The holiday season can cloud one’s judgement and make people forgetful. Before driving off anywhere, make it a rule that everyone should be buckled up for every ride all the time. Even if it’s just a short ride to the grocery store.

3.) Manage your stress.

The holiday season can take a toll on one’s mental health and pocketbook, but it doesn’t have to. Keep spending in check, and balance work, home, and play. Make sure to get support from family and friends and also maintain a positive attitude.

4.) Travel safely.

One thing that the holiday season is known for besides food is traveling. Whether it be traveling across town or across the country, people are definitely traveling somewhere. Make sure to keep track of your luggage and valuables!

5.) Eat healthy and be active.

The holiday season seems like a great time to pig out on great food and ignore diets, but people should try to enjoy their favorite foods in moderation. Along with eating in moderation, try to be active for at least an hour during the holiday season.

With that being said, go out and have a safe holiday season!

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